Create a Mailing List
You can create a new mailing list by entering the relevant information into the form below. The name of the mailing list will be used as the primary address for posting messages to the list, so it should be lowercased. You will not be able to change this once the list is created.

You also need to enter the email address of the initial list owner. Once the list is created, the list owner will be given notification, along with the initial list password. The list owner will then be able to modify the password and add or remove additional list owners.

If you want Mailman to automatically generate the initial list admin password, click on `Yes' in the autogenerate field below, and leave the initial list password fields empty.

You must have the proper authorization to create new mailing lists. Each site should have a list creator's password, which you can enter in the field at the bottom. Note that the site administrator's password can also be used for authentication.

List Identity
Name of list:
Initial list owner address:
Auto-generate initial list password?
Initial list password:
Confirm initial password:
List Characteristics
Should new members be quarantined before they are allowed to post unmoderated to this list? Answer Yes to hold new member postings for moderator approval by default.
Initial list of supported languages.

Note that if you do not select at least one initial language, the list will use the server default language of English (USA)

Send "list created" email to list owner?

List creator's (authentication) password:

Return to the general list overview
Return to the administrative list overview
Delivered by Mailman
version 2.1.23
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